Become a Wagoneer!
Fill out the required fields and we will be in touch to provide you the next steps to joining the Waigand Wheels team! Feel free to reach out with any questions!
About our Wagoneers
Waigand Wheels supports individuals of all abilities, providing them purposeful and productive work opportunities to stay engaged in their community. We want to make sure Wagoneers' needs and goals are met with the best support possible.
Wagoneers will provide our team with their availability. Once we create a schedule, Wagoneers will received 24-hour notice of all deliveries they will make during their shift.
While we make an effort to maintain community engagement through our deliveries, we also have volunteer opportunities which allows our participants to remain active throughout their entire shift.
Waigand Wheels is dedicated to holding regular social events for our Wagoneers to celebrate their work and accomplishments!